Thankyou for booking
Here you will find information you need to know about how we are running the studios and the enrolment form for you to read.
All new comers will need to sign the enrolment form on arrival.
Covid-19 Questionnaire - https://form.jotform.com/202172876437359
Please fill in the Covid-19 Questionnaire above before attending.
Information about how Jamie-Lee Dance Company will operate the studios.
1. When heading to the studio please ensure you are not to early or not to late, you will walk into the main entrance doors in which spots will be marked out on the floor at a 2 meter distance. You will then come to the registration table and sign in. Once signed in you will walk past the reception desk, into the studio and out of the fire exit door. Pupils will need to come in put there belongings down and find a spot on the floor.
2. Waiting and changing areas will be closed. There will be 10-15 minutes between each session for a clean of the area and to ensure minimum crossovers.
3. When class ends all parents will be required to wait outside to pick up their child. Children will be sent out one at a time through the fire exit door. (please note we can not allow children to run out to their parents waiting in the car-park outside the black gates) due to safeguarding we have to ensure parents are picking up their children. Seniors will be allowed to leave if they have permission from parents.
4. Due to changing facilities being closed please can pupils keep belongings to a minimum. Drink bottles must be labeled to ensure that children with the same bottles don't drink from others. Labels will be available at the studio on arrival.
5. Safety is our main priority, a visor will be worn by staff at the reception area, toilets and other surface areas including door handles, matts and tables will be cleaned after every use.
6. All children inside the studio will stay at a safe 2 meter distance. Spots will be made visible on the floor.
7. All parents will be required to sign the new enrolment form due to the changes and policies put in place (you can view this above) there will be allocated tables to fill these out. Once filled please hand them to the receptionist and walk out through the fire exit door.
8. All qualifications and documents, including risk assessments, first aid, safeguarding, DBS and public liability are available to view at the studio.
More information
Dates for summer classes: Monday 27th July - Saturday 22nd August
Holiday club: Monday 24th August - Thursday 27th August
Start date of new term: Monday 7th September - Saturday 19th December.